Monday, February 13, 2006

Mis vacaciones

(Gracias a Lucero por el dibujito, creo que es bastante claro)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Surfeando en la red

Con esto de la efectividad del internet para darse a conocer, la mayoría de las bandas se esfurzan mucho por ofrecer a los fans y a los curiosos un buen sitio en internet, que nos permita conocer más de ellos.
En estas vacaciones de aburrimiento decidi ver que encontraba y me tope con un buen sitio, el de We are Scientists, si te gusta su música o no, eso ya es otra cosa, pero se les debe reconocer la creatividad. El sitio, a primera vista es muy secillo, el contenido es lo que resalta. W.A.S se las arreglan para tener todas esas secciones de las que constan otros websites, pero le dan un toque de humor que hace tu visita por el sitio más placentera. Visiten esta página si quieren divertirse un buen rato, sobre todo la sección "advice", pero si son de esos que se creen 'intelectuales' y que sólo se rien de chistes 'inteligentes', no vayan, no les va a gustar, no desperdicien su valioso intelecto en esto, no vale la pena.

He aquí una probadita de la sección "advice"

name: Samantha
query: I love dogs, but i dont have one. When i ask my mom for one she just says "no." And then when i ask her why she just says "because you don't need one." She never gives me a REAL answer. How do i get her to change her mind?

What if instead we got you to change your mind? You don't want a dog. Seriously, you don't. Why? Well... what makes you think you do? Have you even thought about it? About the responsibility? About all the shit you are going to have to shovel? Go ahead and take that literally, by the way. Owning and caring for a dog means actually getting out there and shoveling that animal's shit, which gets all over the shovel and remains on the grass where it was initially dumped and also splats all over wherever you throw it and, in case you hadn't heard, smells completely awful. There's a reason that when something smells particularly terrible we say, "Man, that smells like dogshit." "Man," you hear the guy mutter, "this corpse has been lying here in the sun for probably days and I have to say, it smells just like dogshit." And yet you're hoping to bring an animal into your home whose main specialty, whose one reliable function, is to crap out putrid little rotten corpses. That smell awful.
Not only that, but dogs bite people, and then you get sued by them. This is a daily occurrence, in case you don't read the newspaper. You're going to bring home a new boyfriend one day and your dog's going to get jealous and bite your boyfriend's face off, the face that made you like him in the first place. And then his parents will sue your family right into the poorhouse.
Have you heard of "slobber"? Do you tend to think of it as a positive term? Because the other thing that dogs can be trusted to do, besides thumping gaseous dead rats out their ass and besides biting everybody, is to slobber all over themselves and you.
If you have other pets, say goodbye to them now, because your dog is going to kill them.
You need to do some serious thinking about whether a dog is really what you need in your life right now.

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